Our Values
Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care
Dermatologist in Miami, Fl
Where the patient comes first
Why we don't take insurance?
Dr. Sergio Gaitan’s goal is to create a medical experience that is more aligned with his personal value system.
He believes in having a physician-to-patient relationship without any insurance company intervening in your health care. Dr. Gaitan believes that your health care should not be limited by the insurance that you have . If your medication is not covered by insurance Dr. Gaitan will find you the best price. If there are labs that are medically needed and your insurance won't pay for them he will find you an affordable solution. He feels medicine has become impersonal and automated much like an assembly line. He wants to deliver the medicine he became a doctor for, where the primary goal is to heal and educate our patients. Dr. Gaitan also values your time and prioritizes minimal to no wait time.
How much is a Self Pay Dermatologist ?
At Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care a new patient visit is $150 and an established patient visit is $100.
You will be seeing a Board Certified Dermatologist,
Dr. Sergio Gaitan MD every time.
We provide transparent and up-front pricing. We want to make our dermatology services accessible to everyone, even if you have no insurance.
If you have insurance, now a days with high deductible insurance plans one can’t even predict how much services are going to cost. A lot of the time a surprise bill comes in the mail months later.
At our office you know exactly what you are going to pay with no surprise bills. We accept Health Savings Account (HSA) and even offer Care Credit with promotional financing. Our office is located in Miami, Florida in the West Kendall Area. We have ample parking and a relaxing environment.
How is there value
for the patients?
We prioritize the patient’s needs, and value a mutually beneficial patient care experience. We tailor our care to you instead of what your insurance rules and mandates.
Patients always see Dr. Sergio Gaitan MD, a board certified dermatologist. There is no need for a referral to see Dr. Gaitan, if you have a skin issue you should not need approval to see a skin expert. He spends all the time necessary to address all your concerns and educate you on your condition.
There is no rush during your visit. If a medication is not covered by your insurance, he will find the most affordable solution to resolve your issue. If your insurance does not want to cover labs that are medically needed, he will find an affordable solution for you.
If you want a dermatologist who's primary goal is to solve your skin issue then come see Dr. Sergio Gaitan MD at Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care. Our dermatology office is located in the West Kendall area of Miami,Fl.