Facial Sculpting
with Dermal Filler in Miami,Fl
Dr. Sergio Gaitan MD FAAD
Cosmetic Dermatologist in Miami, Fl Discusses Dermal Filler for Skin Rejuvenation

What is Facial Sculpting
with Dermal Filler?
Facial Sculpting is the process of using Dermal Filler Injections to create optimal light reflections to give the skin a youthful glow. This is achieved by using Dermal Filler Injections to help support your facial ligaments. The Dermal Filler Injections can also be used to enhance your natural framework to aesthetically pleasing proportions. Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care is the place for natural dermal filler in Miami, Fl.
How long does
Dermal Filler last ?
The effects of the dermal filler injections typically last up to 1 year. However, in areas of high movement dermal filler injections can last less time like 6 months. For precise placement of Dermal filler in Miami, Fl come visit us at Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care .
Will I look like myself
after Dermal Filler?
Yes, a younger more refreshed version of yourself after getting treatment with dermal filler injections. Dr. Sergio Gaitan MD uses dermal filler injections to enhance your natural framework. The dermal filler injections also gives your skin a youthful glow. Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care where dermal filler in Miami, Fl looks natural.
Dermal Filler Pre-Care
Alcohol should be avoided 48 hours pre-injectable Dermal Filler Injection treatment
Let us know if you have any history of cold sores prior to your Dermal Filler Injections appointment
You should not have any dental procedures pre or post 30 days from treatment with Dermal Filler Injections
You should not have any vaccines pre or post 30 days from treatment with Dermal Filler Injections
Contraindications to Dermal Filler Injections: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to components of dermal fillers, any open wounds in the areas to be treated
Dermal Filler After Care
Swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness, and areas of firmness may occur after dermal filler injections. Brusing can last 1-2 weeks and swelling can last up to 2 weeks after dermal filler injections.
Ice packs may be used to treated area 15 minutes every hour for the first 12 hours after treatment with dermal filler injections
You can sleep on your back with your head elevated to decrease swelling after dermal filler injections
If you experience any of the following symptoms: dusky or white discoloration, irregular bruising, severe or increasing pain, redness, increasing warmth or coolness to touch, severe swelling, itching, or blisters after dermal filler injections contact our office immediately at 786-254-7701
How much does
Dermal Filler cost?
At Certified Cosmetics and Skin Care, our prices for dermal filler in Miami, Fl are available on our dermal filler pricing page.